Thursday, March 29, 2012

my supergeurlis

foto ini aslinya pada ngeblur ga jelas, makanya jadi kaya over touched . hahaha. sikat aja, foto2nya cuma bentar dan dikit soalnya, ahahaha

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

hihihi. akhirnya jadi juga yang dijanjiin di postingan sebelumnya. enjoy it guys. bisa didownload disini >> mixtape #1  mixtape #2 mixtape #3

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Every Thing Will Be Alright

The Heart Is Stronger Than You Think 
It's Like It Can Go Through Anything
And Even When You Think 
It Can't It Finds A Way 
To Still Push On 

Sometimes You Want To Run Away 
Ain't Got The Patience For The Pain 
And If You Don't Believe It 
Look Into Your Heart 
The Beat Goes On 

I'm Tellin' You
Things Get Better 
Through Whatever 
If You Fall
Dust It Off 
Don't Let Up 
Don't You Know 
You Can Go Be Your Own Miracle 

You Need To Know...  
If The Mind Keeps Thinking 
You've Had Enough 
But The Heart Keeps Telling You Don't Give Up 

Who Are We To Be Questioning Wondering What Is What 
Don't Give Up Through It All Just Stand Up 

It's Like We All Have Better Days 
Problems Getting All Up In Your Face 
Just Because You Go Through It 
Don't Mean It Got To Take Control, No 
You Ain't Gotta Find No Hiding Place 
Because The Heart Can Beat The Hate 

Don't Wanna Let Your Mind Keep Playin' You 
And Sayin' You Can't Go On 

I'm Tellin' You Things Get Better 
Through Whatever 
If You Fall Dust If Off Don't Let Up 
Don't You Know You Can Go 
Be Your Own Miracle 
You Need To Know If The Mind Keeps Thinking 
You've Had Enough But The Heart Keeps Telling You Don't Give Up 
Who Are We To Be Questioning Wondering What Is What 
Don't Give Up Through It All 
Just Stand Up

You Don't Gotta Be 
A Prisoner In Your Mind 
If You Fall Dust It Off You Can Live Your Life 
Let Your Heart Be Your Guide 
And You Will Know That You're Good 
If You Trust In The Good 
Everything Will Be Alright, Yeah 
Light Up The Dark If You Follow Your Heart 
And It Will Get Better Through Whatever 

You Got It In You 
Find It Within 
You Got In Ya
Find It Within Now 
You Got In You 
Find It Within 
You Got In Ya
Find It Within Now 
You Got In You 
Find It Within
You Got It In You 
Find It Within
Find It Within You
Find It Within

Through It All, Just Stand Up! 

i just love the lyric.

Artist stand up to cancer - just stand up

Thursday, March 22, 2012

There's no one to trust, but you need someone to talk to, so you start telling 'em your secret although you know they will blow it someday. that's life girl!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

#1 Nik

as i mentioned in my previous post, i will be posting about my friend who just married a couple of weeks ago. when the first time i heard my friend would be getting married, i was surprised, shocked, happy and sad. surprised and shocked because, wow, she's still young, even she's younger than me, but she intended to wed. whoaaaa. i'm envious of her. hahaha. happy? of course i was happy hearing that news, marriage is a happiness, isn't it? i mean, waking up from your sleep then there's someone you love lying down next to you, there's someone to cuddle with in your lonely night, there's someone you'll be waiting to be home soon, you will get through all the goodness and badness in life with your spouse. that's a marriage, that's a happiness. and the last thing, i feel sad, because, heyyy,, she left here all alone, no boyfriend or fiance. hahahaha. *derita gue sih ini mah, huahahaha*
i knew her from we were young, i knew all the exs, her maneuvers to deal with boys, haha, she's an expert! really!! hahahahaha. *peace. but really, she is very beautiful and kind. i love you nong. ;*

terlalu gelap. gagal. males ngedit ulang eung, koneksinya itu yang males, uploadnya lama.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

my current mood through songs

i just wanna share my current mood to you guys through the songs i'm currently listening. here they are:

mood #1

when i listen to these songs, i feel something in common, i don't know, i feel an emptiness, feel so lost, i don't know where i am or i am heading to right now.. and i'm just thinking to compile these songs, and yesss,,this is my mood through these songs.

Bon Iver - Calgary
Eddie Vedder - No Ceiling
Death in Vegas - Girls
Bon Iver - Michicant
Oasis - Sunday Morning
Sean Lennon - Parachute
Easter Island - Proud
Sore - Setengah Lima
Sigur Ros - Ara Batur

mood #2

this compilation is my lullaby. i play it when i can't get a wink of sleep.. but this is my current lullaby. i sometimes replace the track with the new one, based on my mood. haha

The Moldy Peaches - Anyone else but you
The Do - When i last home
Mae - Skyline Drive
Joseph Gordon Levitt - I don't want to live on the moon
Rosi Golan feat William Fitzsimmons - Hazy
Zee Avi - Is this the end
The Do - Song for lovers
Tahiti 80 - Take me back
Alexi Murdoch - At your door

mood #3

i used to play music when i take a shower, yessss, music in the bathroom. hahaha. and this is one of my morning track lists that boost my mood,,

Phoenix - 1901
The Strokes - Someday
Franz Ferdinand - Take me out
The Black Keys - Tighten up
Buddy Holly and The crickets - That'll be the day
Sajama Cut - Paintings/Paintings
Mogwai - San Pedro
Phoenix - Napoleon says

mood #3

another compilation that will soothe my nerves. check em out

Cocoon - Mother
Beach Fossils - Face it
Seabear - I sing i swim
Eddie Vedder - Hard sun
Keane - somewhere only we know
The Cardigans - Sick and The tired
Math and Physics Club - White and Grey
Cranberries - Linger
The Weepies - They're in love, Where am i
Jaymay - Blue skies

i promise i will upload the mixtapes, you can't feel the soul if you listen to the songs separately. you must listen the whole package, naon seh vus,, ahahahaha.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


next i will be posting about my friends wedding, nik! i have to go to bed now. but no, i want to take shower first. i have wandered along under the obvious sun. hahaha i must be so stinky. yuck. ciao!

still God, it's a long way to go,,

Friday, March 9, 2012

Becak versi Surabaya

Kali ini saya mau bercerita tentang becak. sebenernya kendaraan beroda tiga ini, mempunyai nama yang sama di daerah Jawa Barat, Tengah maupun Timur. Yang membedakan hanyalah bentuk dan ukurannya saja, kalo didaerah Sunda, ukuran becak agak lebih besar, mempunyai rangka yang lebih kuat, dan lebar. penutupnya pun lebih tinggi dan permanen. terbuat dari semacam terpal yang dapat melindungi si penumpangnya. Tapi untuk didaerah Jawa Tengah maupun Timur, bentuk becak agak sedikit lebih kecil, lebih sempit, dan terlihat lebih ringan. Penutupnya pun terkadang masih ada yang hanya terbuat dari plastik.
haha, kenapa saya bercerita soal becak, karena semenjak saya tinggal di Surabaya, alternatif kendaraan yang saya pakai kalo tidak tahu jalan dan nyasar, saya pilih becak. kalau bareng teman, saya pasti naik taksi. Jujur, saya lebih suka naik taksi, bukan karena murah atau mahal, tapi pemandangan yang terlihat dari dalam taksi dan diatas becak jauh berbeda. saya lebih bisa menikmai perjalanan dengan becak dibanding dengan taksi. Itupun tergantung kondisi juga sih, kalo emang telat dan lebih efisien menggunakan taksi ya saya naik taksi. tapi tetep, saya lebih milih becak, malah terkadang, saya bisa menghargai (bayar ongkos becak sama dengan harga taksi), soalnya suka kasian, kebanyakan disini uda pada sepuh alias "mbah-mbah". ah, ga tegaa kalo cuma kasih sedikit. saya rela dibohongin tukang becak mah, mereka masih "ngegowes", masih berpeluh lusuh mencari nafkah.
Saya mau tamasya berkeliling-keliling kota
Hendak melihat-lihat keramaian yang ada
Saya panggilkan becak kereta tak berkuda
Becak becak coba bawa saya

Saya duduk sendiri dengan mengangkat kaki
Melihat dengan aksi ke kanan dan ke kiri
Lihat becakku lari bagai takkan berhenti
Becak becak jalan hati-hati

Pencipta / Ciptaan : Ibu Sud Tahun 1942

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rendy Bear

boneka ini semakin lusuh semakin empuk, enyak dipeluk-peluk. hahaha. meskipun boneka ini dikasih bukan dari orang yang gue sayang, tapi gue sayang boneka ini. loh? gue bawa boneka ini setiap gue ngekost, waktu pas di Bandung sampe Surabaya. Mucho love!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

nik's wedding

i attended my best friend's wedding ceremony and met my old friends. been a very long time not to see 'em in a year. the last time we gathered is when we did break the fasting. it is our annual event. it keeps us still in touch. do you believe that these girls are the ex members of Cheerleader squad? haha. looking at these pictures, reminding me that how fast time flies, my friend just married, we are growing old, but we ain'r sure that we're growing up as well. Gosh,,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nagrek's Sunrise

i took these pics when i was on my way back home from Surabaya to Bandung. I took these from the window of the train. i no need to retouch the pictures. it is just beautiful.