Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hey hello blog! Long time no writing!

Kata orang, terapi untuk orang yang sedang tertekan, stres ataupun kesepian adalah dengan menulis. Tetapi, saat ini saya tidak sedang mengalami apa yang ditulis tersebut. Saya hanya sedang kangen menulis. Saya terbiasa sangat ekspresif, tetapi dicurahkan melalui tulisan, karena sebenarnya saya termasuk orang yg tertutup. Saya memulai menulis blog sekitar tahun 2008an. Saat itu media sosial twitter masih mulai menapaki jalannya, dan facebook sedang menjadi idola. Saya tetap menulis diblog untuk hal2 yang bersifat lebih pribadi. Urusan atau masalah yang terjadi setiap hari, akan saya tuliskan sebagai status di akun facebook atau twitter saya.
Yap, seiring semakin terkenalnya facebook dan twitter saya semakin keranjingan menulis status. Menulis apapun yang terlintas dipikiran ataupun kejadian2 yang baru saja dialami. Tapi itu dulu, ketika  gairah masa muda masih membara. Sekarang? Saya malu untuk menceritakan apapun yang saya alami. Apa ya, saya menyebutnya alay. Dan kini fase alay saya sudah lewat. Tapi apa yang hilang dari kebiasaan menulis di miniblog itu adalah kepuasan batin. Saya merasa lebih santai, ketika apa yang saya rasakan seketika langsung saya curahkan, daripada harus dipendam dan ditahan untuk tidak menulisnya diakun2 medsos saya. Saat ini, akun medsos saya yang aktif hanya path dan instagram. Itupun sebagai pemain pasif. Hanya sesekali saya mengupdate status atau mengunggah foto, selebihnya hanya mengamati. Dan kali ini, saya ingin kembali menulis, ya diblog ini.

Sudah hampir 4 tahun saya tidak menulis diblog ini. Banyak sekali perubahan yang saya alami. Banyak sekali juga yang sebenarnya ingin saya ceritakan disini, jika mengurut dari kejadian pada tahun 2012 hingga 2016. Tetapi saya tidak mempunyai cukup banyak waktu. Meskipun saat ini saya hanya dirumah, yang seharusnya mempunyai waktu yang banyak, saya kesulitan membagi waktu saya untuk menulis karena sedang direpotkan oleh kehadiran seorang bayi lucu. Ya, bayi lucu yang merupakan anak saya yang berusia 3 bulan pada 2 Mei yang lalu.
Sungguh sangat repot mempunyai bayi, namun repot yang membahagiakan. Sangat membahagiakan.

Flashback ke awal 2014 yang lalu, tepatnya dibulan Maret, saya dipinang oleh seorang pria yang saya sudah yakini sebagai pria yang saya tunggu ketika pertama kali mendengar suaranya. Orang mengenal love at the first sight, kalau saya, love at the first voice. Hehe. Dan sekarang sudah setahun lebih perjalanan rumah tangga kami, semoga selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT dan selalu diberikan keberkahan didalamnya aamiin.

Baidewey, mari kita mulai menulis lagi pus!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Kartini’s Dream and Indonesian Women Today

Raden Ajeng Kartini stands out among the other heroines in Indonesia. There is also a red-letter day to commemorate related to her action. Why so special about her? Did she fight against the colonials at the battlefield just like what Cut Nyak Dien did? Why was she called as a heroine? What did she fight for? Raden Ayu Kartini also known as Raden Ajeng Kartini was a Javanese aristocrat, a daughter of Regency Chief of Jepara, named Sosroningrat. Since she was a descendant of nobility family, she was allowed to attend Dutch colonial schools but forced to quit at the age of twelve. The prevailing regulation had all teenage women secluded at home. They were prohibited to leave their home until they were married and transferred to their husband. Fathers pressured their daughters to marry early according to ones economic and social place. Who a woman married defined her after she left her father house. Raden Ajeng Kartini was raised in intellectual and wealthy family. Owing to intelectual inclination, Raden Ajeng Kartini became the one among other peers at her age who mastered Ducth language both written and oral. In the confinement of her solitude, Raden Ajeng Kartini spent her time just to read and to write. Because of her competency in Dutch language, she found it easy to devour all magazines, newspaper, books written in Dutch. By doing so, Kartini’s political views and feminist ideas were built gradually. She also began to make contribution to Dutch women's magazine 'De Hollandsche Lelie'. In the midst of her seclusion, Raden Ajeng Kartini corresponded with her Dutch friends about many subjects, primarily the discrimination against women. To cut a long story short, Mr J. H. Abendanon, the Minister for Culture, Religion and Industry in the East Indies, compiled the letters that Kartini had sent to her Dutch friends and published into a collection titled from From Darkness to Light.
The Kartini's letters collected by Mr J. H. Abendanon were initially her dreams of Javanese woman emancipation to obtain legal equality under a feudal and Javanese tradition that restricted females getting their rights to yield higher education. She told in her letters that these Javanese women, the daughters, the young girls, the wives, and the mothers struggled to break free from the boundaries of the patriarchal system. Because of in the patriarchal and colonial contexts, women were always subjugated and treated as second class citizens. Protesting against the polygamy, enlightening motherhood, people's welfare and family obligation were also conveyed in her writing. She felt very concerned about her society. She saw that the condition of Javanese women at that time was execrabel. The lack of freedom, discrimination and seclusion had haunted all over Javanese women. Raden Ajeng Kartini wanted gender quality & cut down the dominant male-centric of Indonesia society. That women can be independence,  have the right to choose what they would like to be, do what they want to do hence none can urge to do this and that. Nevertheless, her struggle became contradiction when she married to a man who already had three wives and made her abandoned the dream of getting education in Europe. In spite of the marriage, it didn't stop her from fighting for achieving women's rights. His husband fully supported her passion for opening schools for women regardless of their social status.
Raden Ajeng Kartini is now acknowledged as a precursor of women’s right and emancipation. Only with paper and pen, she struggled for the discrimination against women. A radical breakthrough that still shows feminine side of a rebellious woman. She pointed out the warfare against inequity in a beauty way. She represented a nationalist figure who inspired most of Indonesian women.
Behind the awesomeness, tenderness and gracefulness that women have, there is amazing power that could change the world. Kartini had proved it century ago. She didn’t need sharped bamboos, spears to struggle in the battlefield. She didn’t need a single weapon to eradicate colonialism in Indonesia. She only needed her visions, her thoughts to resist and overthrow opressive Javanese tradition. She is truly indegenous prominent Javanese woman who’s brave enough to speak up her mind about everything she saw in her surrounding.
More than a century after her death, the changes that Indonesian women have seen and been affected by Kartini’s letter have been phenomenal. Indonesian women now have gained remarkable achievement in politics, in the work force, in the household and many others. There has been once in a lifetime of Indonesian history that woman participated in politics and run the country. She is Megawati Soekarnoputri, a daughter of Indonesian proclamator and the first president of Indonesia. In the work force, there are many Indonesian women who took the lead in their careers as entreupeneurs and as executives for State-Owned Enterprises like Karen Agustiawan, the director of Pertamina. In certain sectors, Indonesian women have also outpaced their male counterparts and closed the gap between males and females in the work force. They succeeded elevating women’s position equal to men and according women’s power in public life, diplomacy, and other structures. Kartini’s boldness has definitely changed the prespective of women in yielding education. With higher education, the opportunities for women yielding better jobs are greater than ever before. Also, it has widely affected Indonesian women today to become more courageous and independence. They have guts to select their spouse without intervention their parents, to choose their own path through life like determining what they would like to be and pursuing their dreams.
Beside Indonesian women now are making outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society, the status of Indonesian women has been greatly improved as well, particularly the role of women in the household. Whether you expect a baby or not, whether you choose to be a full-time mother who responsibles for the needs of the whole family or to be a career woman.
The Indonesian Women have come a long way but they keep facing a number of challenges to gaining political and social economic equality with men. There are still differences in the way women are treated. It relates to a women's social status, educational background, ethnicity, the place in which they live and the economy of the district. The problems of poverty, of discriminatory laws, and of sexual assault still remains for Indonesian women.
After all, Raden Ajeng Kartini was short-lived. She passed away at the age of twenty five, whilst giving birth to her first son. As a mother, she’s a genuine heroine. She sacrified her life in order to keep her son alive. Though she didn’t live long, her spirit and enthusiasm still keep alive and Kartini holds a special place in the history of Indonesia Nationalism.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sempu Island

no words could describe the awesomeness of Sempu Island. when you are on holiday and want to get some fun, private island and the sun, this getaway island is perfect to fulfill your needs. trust me. ha!

Bali oh Bali

these are my photos taken when i visited Bali the past three months. i actually just got back from Bali few days ago but i didn't take photos because i was so lazy to do it. i don't know, i didn't enjoy my second trip to Bali. but surely, Bali is so darn beautiful, i want to go back there again for the third time, fourth, fifth or maybe many times. i want to explore the whole Bali. Bali is never boring island. People say that Bali is goddess' palace, i would say yes. no doubt. i am so proud that Bali is a part of Indonesia. Indonesia is goddamn lucky. Indonesia is bestowed by so many beautiful islands. *hail*

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Greatness of Grojogan Sewu Waterfall and Sarangan Lake

Wow, this is my first post in 2013. Holaa.. How's your life been going so far? so far so good? i'm currently in Rainy holiday. Sadly, i spent my holiday most in bed, got terribly cough and cold *uhuk*. So when my friends have gone here and there, traveled from a city to another, or watched many films in cinema, i was like stuck at home with tissues and sweater. huhu. Luckily, before heading off to Karawang, i stopped by in Solo, went to Grojogan Sewu Waterfall and Sarangan Lake. I won't tell more about it this time beacuse i don't have much information and feel not in the mood to google it as well. So here are some pictures i took, take a look!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

aku kamu dan kereta, aku kamu tlah mengunci cinta, untuk tidak bersama, karna ras yg tak sama.

jika cinta memerah dan aku jatuh berdarah, tepatkah mereka berkata aku memilih orang yg salah
karena ketika cinta membuncah, kita tak tau kepada siapa kan mengarah, atau haruskah kita memilah, siapa saja yg boleh menadah

malam semakin kelam, rindu ini semakin kejam, bahkan sepi berani membukam, mulut ini tuk menitipkan salam

Saturday, May 5, 2012